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New Homes for Sale in the Fredericksburg Area

Resale or new homes for sale? Have you ever been searching through current real estate listings and wondered whether or not building a home or purchasing new construction could be for you? While the majority of homes on the market are resale, as many as 1 in 4 buyers will decide to purchase a new home.

If you are considering purchasing a new home, or simply want to know more about resale v. new homes for sale, you’ll want to keep reading. You can also view current market listings for new construction in the Fredericksburg area here.

New Homes

New homes offer buyers an updated and more modern living experience. They are often more innovative in their design, offering a different or improved use of space. Many newer homes will contain updated systems and appliances that promote greater energy efficiency. As a result, these newer homes can save a homeowner money in the long run when it comes to utility cost.

Because new homes are, well, brand new, buyers can experience a greater peace of mind knowing that all systems, appliances, construction, etc. are at the beginning of their lifecycles.

Finally, if a buyer is able to obtain new construction before it is completed they not only have all the upgrades a new home has to offer, but also potentially the ability to choose and request which upgrades are to be included in the home.

Existing Homes

Existing homes or resale homes are not without their benefits! On average, existing homes are less expensive. There is a lot of room for negotiation when purchasing an existing home.

Existing homes are also often found in more established neighborhoods as well. More established neighborhoods typically have more mature landscaping, which gives a home more curb-appeal.

And finally, homes offered for resale have already “settled”. This means, that many problems that can arise within the first year or so after a home has been built from the structure physically settling, are eliminated.

For current area listings, both new and resale, follow this link.

If you are looking to purchase a home, whether that home is your first, your next, or your forever home, and you are in need of expert real estate advice, here is a great place to start!

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